Submitted by Bruce Hecht
Portland, Oregon can now boast that they have one of the safest cities in the entire United States.  I was working with some buyers this week that are moving here for this very reason.
The most recently released figures from the FBI, shows Portland Oregon's crime rate is at a 40 year low.  We can attribute that to many things: more police, more educated young people that filter out the people that cause crime, and the Downtown Portland Business Alliance hiring more security and street clean up people.

Portland, Oregon homeowners have always had more sense of pride and they carry that throughout their lives.  They carry that to the workplace and they carry it to their communities.  We have more alternative fuel vehicles on the road than any other city.  We have more people that wear their safety belts that any other city.  All of these factors, in some way, influence the crime rate.

So if you want to sleep the best that you can, move to Portland Oregon, buy a home and relax!