Mow your grass or shovel snow, you decide!
Submitted by Bruce Hecht
Mow your grass or shovel snow, you decide!
Sounds like it could be the better of two evils. Not for some buyers I was working with the other day. They were trying to decide where to relocate to and they could pick from anywhere. They chose
While I was touring them around the city, they saw Crocus, Daphne and Daffodils all in full bloom. We even saw a few pink cherry blossom trees starting to bloom. They mentioned part of their relocation decision making was the weather in the different cities. Using a number of online weather websites they found tons of information as far as averages, seasonal and allergy information. After all of their research, they chose
Just the other day I looked up a few of the other cities that had made their original list. One had a high of 12 degrees and the other was in the middle of the worst snow storm in 100 years. I looked at the same day weather for