I have spoken with many of my clients over the years about the issues both with having escapable windows (meaning how to get out in a fire) in basements.   The issue has been both the height of the window sill from the floor, as well as the size of the window and there being an area well to escape from.

Here are the facts....

  • In 1998, 120 children ages 14 and under died from falls. Children ages 4 and under accounted for more than half of these deaths. 
  • Each year, more than 2.5 million children ages 14 and under are treated in hospital emergency rooms for fall-related injuries. Children ages 5 and under account for more than half of these injuries. 
  • Nine percent of fall-related injuries associated with products (e.g., baby walkers, windows, playground equipment) result in hospitalization, more than two times the hospitalization rate of all other product-related injuries.

Now Oregon has revised the height requirement for window sills on floors that are above ground.  This is in direct relation to a series of deaths from small children falling from windows in 2008.  While this code isn't backwards enforceable, it's a good idea to review it if you have small children and make sure you have emergency escape mechanisms.   The full code can be read HERE

The state of Oregon also has a page dedicated to this and discloses the following facts.  So again, if you have small children or if you are an investment property owner, please read this article by clicking HERE