Submitted by Bruce Hecht:

I was working last week with 2 different buyers from out of state.  They both said to me, "I know when we move to Portland Oregon, we are going to feel better and live longer"!
I asked them, what do you mean by that?
They told me, that where they are from, it is colder and longer in the winter, which makes it so they can not get outside as easy to go for long walks, runs, bike rides, hikes or even feel like going outside. 
 But in Portland Oregon, they know that the days are longer, the days are warmer, winters more mild and they will just naturally want to do more exercise,spend more time at all of the parks, trails, mountains, rivers and lakes.

This in turn, they said, will cause them to be much more active, try new sports and allow them to be more involved with more activities, more of the year!
I agreed with them and suggested some of the hiking clubs, sailing clubs, walking clubs,biking clubs and mountaineering clubs they could contact.

They were very excited and we close on their new home next month.